Don’t be afraid to take a big step. You can’t cross a chasm in two large jumps.
~ David Lloyd George ~
Dismantle Confusion & Communicate with the Ones You Love the Most
Each Family Member Needs Attention…
Each member of your family needs to resolve their issues individually and as a family unit. Each has valid concerns that need to be looked at and resolved in therapy. For instance, a parent remarrying may need to learn how to face problems head on versus hoping they will work themselves out. Children from the previous marriage need help to heal the hurt from the divorce.
If your family…
- engages in criticism and blaming behaviors
- sees one family member as the problem
- feels stuck in how things have always been without knowing how to change them
- lacks the understanding of family stages and how to wade through the difficult transitions
- engages in rigid behaviors
- doesn’t allow individual family members to become what they are meant to be
- sticks by outdated family rules
…then therapy can help.
Don’t wait until it’s too late…
While waiting for the situation to work itself out, things often get a lot worse. I can help with many issues, such as:
- Mid-life Support
- Life Issues
- Women’s Issues
- Becoming a Step Family
- Getting Along – Generation Gap
- Reframing Family Rules
- Communication Skills

Get on the Road to Recovery
You can move past this common obstacle to overcoming any of life’s problems. Recognizing that there are others going through a similar experience can serve as a means of comfort and support.
Group therapy is a counseling tool that helps individuals – in a group setting – work through troubling issues. It’s is a microcosm of the world. If you can see it and fix it in group therapy, you can fix it in your world.
Discover the Instantaneous
Power of Guided Imagery
Learning new tools to affirm yourself.